Monday, April 5, 2010

I would give absolutely anything to look as good as MK.<3

So today went really well.

I had 140 calories of coffee, plus 230 calories of chips, plus about 300 calories of Chicago style hot dogs, minus about 800 calories.
670 calories.

670 -
230 is about my total intake.
Not fantastic -- but it's something good.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Super horrible week.

I binged the entire time. Like I was eating, just to be eating. I feel... how shall I put this, Unqualified, to fit into my skinny jeans this week...
I'm going up north this weekend, and it's 3 meals a day, heavily portioned. :\
So my plan, is all this week, nothing but coffee (One of my large mugs = 180) and as many Diet Cokes as I need. So hopefully I drop enough to be skinny enough to get away with eating 3 meals a day for two or three days... Picture's up on Thursday night.(: Wish me luck.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Oh my god,

I'm sorry I haven't been posting, I've been really busy.
I have bad news... I've been bingeing like fucking CRAZY. I look effing pregnant. ))))): I promise I'll do better after Easter though. We're going out to eat with the family... :/ I'll eat light though, and I will not eat anything but my coffee which would come up to about 60 calories so... (: OH. And I'm going shopping tomarrow too. So I'll buy a pretty bikini to remind myself I NEED TO DROP THE WEIGHT NOOW! :D

Monday, March 29, 2010

Bad day,

I've been running on about 3 hours of sleep, and I was running a bit late. I asked my dad to make me a bowl of cereal and he grabs the chocolatey special K. The one that's like fifty calories more than the one I eat. :| Then I get to school, and I have to run a mile. I was wearing jeans under sweat pants. Bro seriously. Then I come home and my dad fights with me, and I cry. And I eat 230 calories worth of mashed patatoes and now I'm eating 100 calories of Jello.
Not too shabby, I s'pose...
I hope whoever's reading this is doing better than I.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

So today was an epic failure...

I started off great. But then I had 1 1/2 Pepsi's, salad, one slice of pizza, sweettarts, mashed patatoes, and a fucking bagel with cream cheese. Well fuck me. Ugh. :\
I haven't eaten anything yet today.(: Although I think I might go and get myself some Special K, or maybe something under 200 calories... Hm. Also, I'm planning on going on another one of my photography expeditions which consist of walking around Milwaukee and taking pictures of things I think are marvolous, but in reality no one actually cares about those or the pictures. It's just something fun for me.(: Fruit&&Yogurt Special K is amazing. You should seriously try it, you'll be fucking addicted. <3